Dry Eye Diagnostic Kit

$2,900.00 $0.00
The dry eye diagnostic and treatment kit includes Meibovue, QuikVue adaptor,LidVue (one box), forcep and dry eye mask.
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  • Dry Eye Diagnostic Kit
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Dry Eye Diagnostic Kit

We provide a series of devices and instruments to help optometrists quickly startup dry eye service to the patients. 

MeiboVue Meibographer
A truly portable meibographer enable technician to do meibomian gland imaging at any place. Small foot print provides superior mobility to check patients when they are in the waiting queue. 
QuikVue Eye Imaigng Adaptor
It can be mounted on smartphone or tablet to check patient's eye lid for blepharitis check. It also provides cobalt blue illumiation and tiltable yellow filter for tear break up time check. 
LidVue Eyelid Everter 
The eyelid everter helps technicians and optometrists to quick evert lower eye lid and capture good meibomian gland image for diagnostic reference. 
Meibomian Gland Expression Forcep 
Our meibomian gland expression forcep is made of high quality stainless steel. It can be sterilized and is durable for multiple time use. 
USB heating Dry Eye Mask 
iFlo USB heating dry eye mask can be sold to patient for home care use to maintain the office treatment for dry eyes. 
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